Una pajita, por favor

Ok. My previous description of our arrival was not the exact reflection of the reality. After consulting mr. M, it turned out that we actually landed in the evening and the beautiful picture I showed you was taken the morning after. Who cares, anyway…:P But one thing which I forgot to tell you about is worth mentioning.

On our way to hotel we had some problems with entering the metro station.  Yes, technology is complicated… When we finally did it, the metro was already gone. What pissed me off was that we could’t go back the moment we entered the station, and the next metro was in half an hour! Luckily, there was one (kind of) restaurant.

It didn’t look fancy but we really spent those 30 minutes pleasantly there. Firstly, the food was really good.ec94e2f6-0813-40c0-821b-21137e6a0ddc

In the picture above you see my boyfriend’s meal – sth containing a dead animal. Yep, he still refuses to become vegetarian, but we are working on it;). I don’t remember if I ordered anything more than olives but the olives they served us with were amazing!!!! Never have eaten olives that tasty before, believe me. In a moment the picture was taken we were still waiting for them. I also didn’t have my indispensable drinking accessory yet. I went to ask a waiter for that: “Tiene usted una pajita?” – I asked him kindly. In a moment a “pajita” word came from my mouth he burst out laughing. I knew I would say it wrong! “perdon, una pajilla” – I corrected myself quickly. He kept laughing and gave me a straw that I asked for. I have never been sure should I call it “pajita” or “pajilla”, but as it turns out probably both versions mean a straw and sth connected to male pleasure at the same time…  Anyway, I’m glad I made that nice waiter laugh at the end of the day;).

We barely finished our meals when the next metro arrived. We had to make it that time! We took our things as fast as possible and got inside.

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