Day 2

Morning – without grapes, but still great beginning of the day;)

Then – jogging. It was a very quick jogging (my endurance is not very high; the lack of bra didn’t help as well:P). But we had a very good time – ended up in the sea (we are winter swimmers so it wasn’t a big deal for us). We were almost alone on the beach (except for a dad with two kids who were enjoying hitting stick in the sand…). Yeah… we both agreed that they looked even stranger than we did…).

After our lazy jogging we went to a gym in our hotel and I must admit that it was a hell of a training. I used all the equipment available (including ladder) and M was sweating as usual;).

Later, we went for a well-deserved breakfast to a small restaurant in front of the hotel. I had a pleasure to chat a little in Spanish but the waiter was kind of weird to me, I don’t remember why:P. I ordered sth vegetarian and coffee, and M got an animal again;(.

Then we got to the pool on the top of the hotel. It was so cool (literally)! Morning March air on 23 floor, in bikini… Yep, that was much cooler than swimming in the sea. But I shouldn’t complain – M experienced that much more than me, while posing to photos. Anyway, it was worth it – that photo jus rocks^^ Even my 2-year-old nephew confirmed!


[Just look, doesn’t he have great legs;)?]

In the pool there were two “couples” except for us. Ok, probably they were just two male and two female friends, but there was a time when I suspected our hotel was an LGBT hotel and that we lived in LGBT district ;D As it turned out, Princess Hotel only sounded that way;)


….to be continued….


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